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News & Press Releases

- 영상 촬영 방해하던 산란광… 생체 조직 들여다보는 3D 현미경으로 재탄생

- 석학 커리어 디시전스 강연 (April 19, 2023)

- Yongwoo Kwon, 2022 KU Achievement Award 

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- Prof. Wonshik Choi, selected as a fellow of The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (최원식 교수 2023년도 한국과학기술한림원 정회원 선출)

- Munkyu Kang, Advanced Biophotonics Conference  2022 Young Investigator Award


- 조용현 박사 연구 결과 Laser Focus World YouTube channel 소개 

- Best Paper Award of ISOM'22 "권용우"

- 한국광학회 2022년도 동계 학술발표회 우수논문상 "권용우"

- 물리학과 최원식 교수 연구팀 초고속 홀로그램 현미경,“2020년 국가연구개발 우수성과 100선 선정”

과학기술정보통신부와 한국과학기술기획평가원에서 실시하는「2020년 국가연구개발 우수성과 100선」에 물리학과 최원식 교수의 연구가 지난 10월 선정되었다. 우수성과 100선은 국가 발전을 견인해 온 과학기술의 역할에 대해 국민들의 이해와 관심을 제고하고 과학기술인들의 자긍심을 고취하고자 2006년부터 매년 선정해 오고 있다. 올해는 정부지원을 받아 수행한 약 7만 여 연구개발(R&D) 과제(‘19년 기준) 중, 각 부‧처‧청이 추천한 총 780건의 후보 성과를  대상으로 산‧학‧연 전문가들로 구성된 우수성과 선정평가위원회에서 질적 우수성을 평가한 후, 대국민 공개 검증을 거쳐 최종 100건의 우수 성과를 선정하였다.

- 5th 'Art in Science' Prize Winner


Galaxy in fish eye 

by Jin Hee Hong, Yonghyeon Jo, Jaecheol Jo

- Prof. Wonshik Choi received a grand scholarship award from the Optical Society of Korea (Feb. 20, 2020)

- Our work, "Deep tissue space-gated microscopy via acousto-optic interaction," is published at Nature Communications (Feb. 05, 2020)

- Prof. Wonshik Choi, elected the Fellow of the Optical Society of America (2020)

- Our work entitled "Label-free neuroimaging in vivo using synchronous angular scanning microscopy with single-scattering accumulation algorithm" was published in Nature Communications on July 17, 2019

Abstract: Label-free in vivo imaging is crucial for elucidating the underlying mechanisms of many important biological systems in their most native states. However, the applicability of existing modalities has been limited to either superficial layers or early developmental stages due to tissue turbidity. Here, we report a synchronous angular scanning microscope for the rapid interferometric recording of the time-gated reflection matrix, which is a unique matrix characterizing full light-specimen interaction. By applying single scattering accumulation algorithm to the recorded matrix, we removed both high-order sample-induced aberrations and multiple scattering noise with the effective aberration correction speed of 10,000 modes/s. We demonstrated in vivo imaging of whole neural network throughout the hind- brain of the larval zebrafish at a matured stage where physical dissection used to be required for conventional imaging. Our method will expand the scope of applications for optical imaging, where fully non-invasive interrogation of living specimens is critical.

- Our work on 'focusing light energy to an embedded target in scattering media' was published at Nature Photonics on March 27, 2018

Title: Focusing of light energy inside a scattering medium by controlling the time-gated multiple light scattering
Abstract: The efficient delivery of light energy is a prerequisite for the non-invasive imaging and stimulating of target objects embedded deep within a scattering medium. However, the injected waves experience random diffusion by multiple light scattering, and only a small fraction reaches the target object. Here, we present a method to counteract wave diffusion and to focus multiple-scattered waves at the deeply embedded target. To realize this, we experimentally inject light into the reflection eigenchannels of a specific flight time to preferably enhance the intensity of those multiple-scattered waves that have interacted with the target object. For targets that are too deep to be visible by optical imaging, we demonstrate a more than tenfold enhancement in light energy delivery in comparison with ordinary wave diffusion cases. This work will lay a foundation to enhance the working depth of imaging, sensing and light stimulation.
See article at

Featured at IBS Research highlight

This work was introduced at a few local media including the one below.

- Our paper for deep-tissue adaptive optical imaging was published at Nature Communications (Dec 18, 2017)

Title: High-resolution adaptive optical imaging within thick scattering media using closed-loop accumulation of single scattering (Nature Communications 8, 2157 (2017))

Abstract: Thick biological tissues give rise to not only the multiple scattering of incoming light waves, but also the aberrations of remaining signal waves. The challenge for existing optical microscopy methods to overcome both problems simultaneously has limited sub-micron spatial resolution imaging to shallow depths. Here we present an optical coherence imaging method that can identify aberrations of waves incident to and reflected from the samples separately, and eliminate such aberrations even in the presence of multiple light scattering. The proposed method records the time-gated complex-field maps of backscattered waves over various illumination channels, and performs a closed-loop optimization of signal waves for both forward and phase-conjugation processes. We demonstrated the enhancement of the Strehl ratio by more than 500 times, an order of magnitude or more improvement over conventional adaptive optics, and achieved a spatial resolution of 600 nm up to an imaging depth of seven scattering mean free paths.

See the article at

This work was introduced at a few local newspapers. Here is one of them.

Implementation of plasmonic MIMO network published at Nature Communications

See the article at

- Yonghyeon got a best paper award, JOSK

- Prof. Wonshik Choi became Associate Director for IBS CMSD

- CASS microscopy published at Nature Photonics

See the article at

- Lensless single-fiber endoscope published in PRL

See the article at
The work was also introduced at Research Highlights in  Nature

- First experimental realization of transmission eigenchannels published at Nature Photonics

See the article at

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